Simi Prasad was just 15 years old and still at school when she started writing her first novel Out There, a thrilling story that follows the strong-willed Ava Hart in a completely male-less society. In an interview for Youth Arts Online, Simi explained more about how she found the time, patience and inspiration to write a book. Here, we’ve included some exciting snippets from this interview to help inspire and motivate the budding author in you!
What is the story behind Out There?
What if the Earth were deserted with only one city remaining? What if there were only one gender? Ava Hart has only ever known what she’s been told. But Ava, unlike everyone else, insists on believing that there’s more to her thriving yet doomed matriarchal civilisation. Soon she finds herself venturing outside of everything she knows and breaking all of the sacred rules of her community in search of the truth. But the discoveries she makes along they way will change her forever.
It’s quite an achievement to write a novel at such a young age don’t you think?
For me, it’s never been about age and its been something I’ve wanted to do for a really long time. I remember being really young and talking about different ideas for a novel, so I thought here is an opportunity. I have a chunk of spare time and there is no time like the present!
How did you get started?
I started writing it over the summer holidays which was a bit easier as I didn’t have to worry about school. However, it still took a lot of dedication as everyone wants to be out with their friends. I think you really have to be passionate about what you are doing.
Who did you write the book for?
When I started writing, the audience I had in mind was me and my peers. I like the new genre of distopian books becoming really popular and to see a society completely designed from scratch is really exciting to me. Films that follow this theme like The Hunger Games are really inspiring.
What kept you motivated during the writing process?
The idea of seeing my story in print and being published as a hard book, that was a really motivating process.
Did you have any help?
I worked with a book coach. She helped to keep me motivated and gave me deadlines, but she didn’t actually help with writing the story. She helped keep me on track which was really useful. She also owned a published company, so when it was completed she helped me to get my book published.
Out There by Simi Prasad is available to buy from Amazon for £11.99.