NXG – The Next Generation is a brand that Educates, Empowers, Employs and Entertains

The NXG Group was created with the sole purpose of ‘bridging the gap between the classroom and the industry’ supporting young people to take their first steps into the world of work, primarily but not exclusively into the creative industries. Established in 2006, the NXG Group has worked with over 5000 young people to date and created over 30 jobs.

At the very core of our business is a pure and simple desire to be a force for good, utilising our influence and resources to help develop solutions to some of the most pressing social issues and challenges faced by young people today.

At NXG Connect, our key services include:

  • Information, Advice and Guidance services
  • Accredited Courses
  • Traineeship and Apprenticeship Programmes
  • Employability Courses
  • CV Workshops & Interview Techniques
  • Latest opportunities for Job Vacancies & Support into Sustainable Employment

Want to find out more?

Our advisors are qualified and dedicated professionals ensuring young people have a place they feel safe, valued and respected. If you would like To find out more please contact us.

Our Funders.

NXG runs a NEET program which is fully funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and works with various partners such as TCHC and CXK in delivering comprehensive programs that seek to effect change in young people’s lives.